James Guo (@ZE3kr)

Archives · 2016


Archives · 2016


Back to WordPress' Built-In Comment System

Recently, Disqus has been very unstable by the wall of a certain country, so it has used the comment system that comes with WordPress, but this comment system does not have an email reminder when the commenter is replied. I have my own sending server (AWS SES) system, so in theory, this effect can be achieved with plug-ins. But I have seen a lot of plug-in..

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How to configure for pure IPv6-Only network access

On May 4 this year, Apple began to require new applications to support IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 networks, which means that Apple began to push IPv6 networks, on Apple’s official website has introduced some advantages of IPv6, mainly to be more friendly to mobile networks, And can improve some performance, reduce some transmission overhead. Recently, I have al..

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Self-built PowerDNS GeoDNS Server

Lately I’ve grown more and more into building things myself, like GitLab. Today, I changed the DNS server to a self-built one, and shared my experience (PS: Now in order to realize the root domain CDN, I used Route 53 instead): The self-built DNS in this article refers to the authoritative DNS, that is, the DNS configured for your own domain name, not the ..

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